Fearbook Live, 2017-ongoing

"Fearbook Live" is a choose the contestants art adventure gameshow created by Ally Bortolazzo and Elizabeth Folk. Variables are chosen by audience members, contestants must complete a work of art to be displayed in 24 hours.

How it works:

1) A medium and contestants are chosen for each episode (Episode 1: Performance Art). Contestants must complete a work of art in 24 hours.
2) Variables are posted, and audience members (YOU!) "like" them to vote.
(for Episode 1: setting, trope, soundtrack, props)
3) Votes are tallied and variables are selected 24 hours before the art piece is due.
4) Contestants go Facebook Live every hour on the hour for 24 hours to show their progress- the videos remain on our Facebook page so you can watch them anytime.

Message us if you are interested in being a contestant!
